Last week i was driving my 2021 equinox with 32k doing 70-75 and the stabilitrack lights and traction control came on and engine derate (limp mode) while driving. I got to the side of the road and tried restarting the car, after a few times i got it to turn over and start and limped it back home and tried disconnecting battery terminals to reboot possibly. Didnt work, lights came back on and i was still in limp mode but it was allowing me to go a bit faster so i brought it to chevy dealer nearby hoping whatever issue was still under warranty. Dealer ended up jerking me around for a few days after initially scanning car and telling me it was “most likely” under warranty long story short they didnt get to the car in the original agreed upon time so i was already aggravated. When they finally started diagnosing the car chevy they asked me for an additional 5 hours at $185 an hour which i declined. I Tried picking up the car a few days after initially bringing it in and the car wouldnt start and had go get it towed out Initial codes were p0336, U0422,
I eventually got the car out of this chevy because i felt like i was being jerked around, brought the car to a friend of a friend, they replaced the crankshaft positioning sensor, the car starts fine now and drives but its losing power in higher gears and is still throwing codes p0335, p0336 and p228c.
absolutely any help would be amazing please
I eventually got the car out of this chevy because i felt like i was being jerked around, brought the car to a friend of a friend, they replaced the crankshaft positioning sensor, the car starts fine now and drives but its losing power in higher gears and is still throwing codes p0335, p0336 and p228c.
absolutely any help would be amazing please